New Books
Milly Balzarini has written The Lost Road Home to spread awareness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)–what it is and how veterans can get the help they need if they suffer from it. Included in the book are both stories of veterans and stories of family members who struggle to understand a loved one who suffers from PTSD. Balzarini explains the symptoms of PTSD and the process of being diagnosed with it; suggestions are also included for ways the military can better help soldiers and their families cope with the soldier’s return to civilian life. The book’s easy-to-read style will provide hope and understanding to many families.
For more information, visit The Lost Road Home
More Than a Memory: Reflections of Viet Nam is a stunning anthology of writings by veterans that includes first-person non-fiction narratives of serving in Vietnam, fictional stories about the war, poetry, tales of adjusting to civilian life after the war, and many memories of the war and how it continues to affect veterans’ lives today. The diversity of More Than a Memory provides a more thorough understanding of the war experience than any one soldier’s story could provide. Twelve authors have contributed forty-five different pieces of Vietnam war literature that leave a reader both shocked, grieving for the veterans’ experiences, and better educated about what war does to an individual and a nation.
For more information, visit More Than a Memory: Reflections of Viet Nam
Donald Bodey’s Vietnam War novel F.N.G. is a powerful, engaging story about one man’s tour of duty. While few ex-soldiers could masterfully write a novel of war, Bodey’s skill has created for the Vietnam War what Erich Maria Remarque accomplished for World War I in All Quiet on the Western Front.At the center of Bodey’s novel is Gabriel Saunders, the “F.N.G.” (F—ing New Guy). Gabriel has been drafted into the army, and when he arrives in Vietnam, he is scared and unsure of himself. To make matters worse, he has the horrendous experience of seeing his newly made friend killed before his eyes the first day he arrives. From there, the reader is taken through Gabriel’s tour of duty over the course of a year as he matures as a soldier, going from being the new guy to the leader of his squad.
For more information, visit F.N.G.
My Tour in Hell is Powell’s detail of his tour of duty in Vietnam. The time Powell spent there and the experiences he had were enough to make anyone have PTSD. Powell faithfully and truthfully exposes his personality flaws and strengths as he recounts his experiences.The book opens with his first day in the field and the fear he felt. He then discusses various patrols and operations in which he was involved. His memory of events is excellent, and I was fascinated by his experiences several times of seeing events in slow-motion when something traumatic happened such as his watching an atrocity or realizing he was being shot.
For more information, visit My Tour in Hell: A Marine’s Battle with Combat Trauma
Tyler’s Tips
Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D., President of Superior Book Promotions and award-winning author of The Marquette Trilogy, Narrow Lives, and The Only Thing That Lasts.
Welcome to Issue 5, Our Special MEMORIAL DAY Issue of the SUPERIOR BOOK PROMOTIONS newsletter!
We honor our Veterans this weekend with four books by or about Veterans, including memoirs, poetry, novels and interviews with Veterans.
I encourage all of you to talk to the Veterans you know. Interview them. Record their conversations. Remember that every person has a story, and every story matters. Don’t let those stories be lost.
Thank you, Veterans, for all you’ve done for us!
Thank you for reading the Superior Book Promotions newsletter!